Had to take the bus this morning = going up early = inhuman. Did anyone notice how much I complain on my blog lately btw? Lets just say i have my reasons, and even if i do complain, its not as bad as it seems :) Its just in my nature. Hmz
Today after work im gonna meet my cousin Emma for a coffee. Havnt seen her for, God knows how long, so its gonna be fun. Bet we got a lot of stuff to catch up on. At 19.00 im off with the train to Kalmar! Uh yeah
Feels like the heaven is gonna fall down on us in Linköping soon. Sooooooooooooo dark. I dont rly care if its bad weather tho, I got my amount of hours with sun and nice weather in Madrid. And its probably gonna be sunny when I go back in August as well.
.... I think my tooth aaaaaall the way back in my mouth just grew bigger, u know that annoying one, the wisdomtooth. Wouldnt surprise me if i got problems with that as well now. ARGH. Im dizzy, my toe hurts a bit still, my "bad" leg feels weird sometimes and fuck knows what else is gonna happen. Something is wrong with me. Yes yes i knooow im silly :s
.................... lil later
HAHA, just saw a norweigan "show" called Snorunger. 12 year old kid going to a store to ask for a Valentine gift to his girlfriend. The girl working asks: "what kind of clothes does she like" kid: "well us between, slutty, and shes 32 and got big boobs" And a lot more. hahha, im dying, so embarrassing!
I gotta make a phonecall now! cya laters
------------ 16:27
HAHAHA, this was funny, im afraid its only possible in swedish but I had to post it! Its a thingy that makes the sentences into the language of a fourteen year old using the forum Lunarstorm. I laughed ^^ (http://www.angelfire.com/indie/lunarizer/)
Heres what i wrote:
"Hej! Just nu sitter jag på jobbet. Snart ska jag gå och träffa Emma, vi ska ta en kaffe,
och senare ikväll ska jag åka till Kalmar!
Svaret efter lunarisering:
"hej!!! *skrattar* Juzt typ nu ziTteR jA ba På jObbEt.
znart zka jA ba Gå å träffa emma, vi zKa ta en Kaffe,
å zenare ikVäll ZKa ja typ åKa TE kaLMaj!
heJdå!!!!!! *ler*"
Today after work im gonna meet my cousin Emma for a coffee. Havnt seen her for, God knows how long, so its gonna be fun. Bet we got a lot of stuff to catch up on. At 19.00 im off with the train to Kalmar! Uh yeah
Feels like the heaven is gonna fall down on us in Linköping soon. Sooooooooooooo dark. I dont rly care if its bad weather tho, I got my amount of hours with sun and nice weather in Madrid. And its probably gonna be sunny when I go back in August as well.
.... I think my tooth aaaaaall the way back in my mouth just grew bigger, u know that annoying one, the wisdomtooth. Wouldnt surprise me if i got problems with that as well now. ARGH. Im dizzy, my toe hurts a bit still, my "bad" leg feels weird sometimes and fuck knows what else is gonna happen. Something is wrong with me. Yes yes i knooow im silly :s
.................... lil later
HAHA, just saw a norweigan "show" called Snorunger. 12 year old kid going to a store to ask for a Valentine gift to his girlfriend. The girl working asks: "what kind of clothes does she like" kid: "well us between, slutty, and shes 32 and got big boobs" And a lot more. hahha, im dying, so embarrassing!
I gotta make a phonecall now! cya laters
------------ 16:27
HAHAHA, this was funny, im afraid its only possible in swedish but I had to post it! Its a thingy that makes the sentences into the language of a fourteen year old using the forum Lunarstorm. I laughed ^^ (http://www.angelfire.com/indie/lunarizer/)
Heres what i wrote:
"Hej! Just nu sitter jag på jobbet. Snart ska jag gå och träffa Emma, vi ska ta en kaffe,
och senare ikväll ska jag åka till Kalmar!
Svaret efter lunarisering:
"hej!!! *skrattar* Juzt typ nu ziTteR jA ba På jObbEt.
znart zka jA ba Gå å träffa emma, vi zKa ta en Kaffe,
å zenare ikVäll ZKa ja typ åKa TE kaLMaj!
heJdå!!!!!! *ler*"
How bored can you be.... seriously. Thank god im going out on a job in 30 minutes, lets just hope the guy im supposed to talk to is there... Its the worse, to sit and feel like i dont do anything the whoooole morning, and then go out on a job at around 14, and instead stress my ass off to write it and be done before i quit at 17. Nuff with the complains..!!!
Josema talked about repainting his apartment when I go back in 3 weeks. Soooo..that resulted with me looking at colorexamples. xD I love that kind of stuff, to fix with a home :) Funziess!
Uh yeah tomorrow im off to Kalmar after work, will stay there until sunday probably and next week im working eveningshift. Between 15-23 that is. Will be a bit "off" me thinks, cause I have to stay in Linköping over the nights and yet I havnt get a hold on Maja who lives here very central. So hopefully I can borrow my cousins new apartment in Ryd. If i can take the bus there it should be no problem. Vamos a ver! (=lets see)
Anyway, today they took a pic of me to have in my byline in the newspaper, haha, will be fun to see tomorrow!
Now I gotta go see if the photographer is rdy to leave. BB!
Josema talked about repainting his apartment when I go back in 3 weeks. Soooo..that resulted with me looking at colorexamples. xD I love that kind of stuff, to fix with a home :) Funziess!
Uh yeah tomorrow im off to Kalmar after work, will stay there until sunday probably and next week im working eveningshift. Between 15-23 that is. Will be a bit "off" me thinks, cause I have to stay in Linköping over the nights and yet I havnt get a hold on Maja who lives here very central. So hopefully I can borrow my cousins new apartment in Ryd. If i can take the bus there it should be no problem. Vamos a ver! (=lets see)
Anyway, today they took a pic of me to have in my byline in the newspaper, haha, will be fun to see tomorrow!
Now I gotta go see if the photographer is rdy to leave. BB!
Feeling a bit emo today. Dont know why. Guess its one of those "bad days". Meh. Anyway, im working this weekend, found that out late on friday afternoon, not very funny. On the other hand, i still got my weekend left. Im off work monday and tuesday instead. So if this day just wanted to pass...
I got shitloads of stuff to do, feels like it at least. Stuff to check... hmmmm. For those who dont know, Im leaving to Madrid the 19th of august xD WEEEE! Yes, i might be crazy but you only live once right :) And this is what I wanna do now so why not. If I didnt go i would get depressed and regret it for the rest of my life probably, so yeah im gooooiiiing, just a couple of weeks left. This waiting is gonna kill me :)
Next weekend im probably going to Kalmar to visit all the smurfs there, will be funziess! Looking forward to that. Now i dont really know what to write, nor what to do.... at work but havnt got anything to do yet. Gotta wait a while i think. Booh, time to tab to facebook and see what happens there today.. hrm.
I got shitloads of stuff to do, feels like it at least. Stuff to check... hmmmm. For those who dont know, Im leaving to Madrid the 19th of august xD WEEEE! Yes, i might be crazy but you only live once right :) And this is what I wanna do now so why not. If I didnt go i would get depressed and regret it for the rest of my life probably, so yeah im gooooiiiing, just a couple of weeks left. This waiting is gonna kill me :)
Next weekend im probably going to Kalmar to visit all the smurfs there, will be funziess! Looking forward to that. Now i dont really know what to write, nor what to do.... at work but havnt got anything to do yet. Gotta wait a while i think. Booh, time to tab to facebook and see what happens there today.. hrm.
Second day at work, and yeah, im back in Sweden. Dunno how to feel about that actually. The day I left Madrid was fine in a beginning but when i had to say goodbye to Josema it felt that my whole world fell apart. I couldnt even look at him without crying. Wasnt aspecting it to be that hard. But I guess you find out how much u care about someone first when u actually have to leave.
I feel girly now... like.. emotional :) Now, after a few days, its a bit better tho im sure i will go back in august. :)
Anyway, im a happy lil smurf after all. To go to Madrid was one of the best things I ever done. School, the people, the city. Everything!
Need to go back to work now, the job I was gonna book in went to hell and hopefully I can go on another one after lunch. Or I will feel useless. Someone got a little news for me? I need em :)
I feel girly now... like.. emotional :) Now, after a few days, its a bit better tho im sure i will go back in august. :)
Anyway, im a happy lil smurf after all. To go to Madrid was one of the best things I ever done. School, the people, the city. Everything!
Need to go back to work now, the job I was gonna book in went to hell and hopefully I can go on another one after lunch. Or I will feel useless. Someone got a little news for me? I need em :)
LLanes <3
So now im back in Madrid after some awsome days in LLanes with Josema!!! Got some pictures ofc xD
On the road

After 8 hours in the bus we are finally there. Its beautiful and i love it ;)